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How Chiropractors Can Help Pinched Nerves

Written By O'Keefe Chiropractic Center on August 16, 2021

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The sooner you see a chiropractor at O’Keefe Chiropractic Center in Medford for a pinched nerve, the better. If pressure goes on too long, you can suffer from chronic pain and permanent nerve damage. We can noninvasively provide relief for you and your symptoms.

Why Choose a Chiropractor

Studies show that 85% of adults are affected by pinched nerves in the United States resulting in back and neck pain. A pinched nerve can happen to anyone at any age. Data show that people 50 and older are more likely to have them due to arthritis and degeneration in the spine and other parts of the body. 

The most common reason for a pinched nerve is a herniated disc followed by repetitive motion, injury, arthritis and obesity. Pinched nerves can cause neck pain, loss of range of motion, numbness and/or tingling, significant pain, and muscle weakness.

Studies show that chiropractic treatments can help with pinched nerves. We accomplish via spinal decompression, active release therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and other drug-free methods, depending on the affected area. The end goal is to relieve the pressure aggravating the nerve.

Hear It from a Satisfied Patient

“I was having severe neck & upper back pain for 3 months before I made an appointment with Dr. O'Keefe. I was back to normal after 4 weeks of treatment. I have been a patient of Dr. O'Keefe's for 25 years. If my back every "flares" up, I call & usually 2-3 treatments & I'm on my way!! The staff is very friendly & a pleasure to deal with. I would & have recommended Dr. O'Keefe to many friends & relatives.”

  • Steve Sweeny

Treat Your Pinched Nerve at O’Keefe Chiropractic Center 

The doctors at O'keefe Chiropractic Center, we take a unique approach to healthcare. We’ll thoroughly delve into your health history and perform a physical exam so we can act on a proper treatment for you and your pinched nerve.

Have questions or ready to schedule an appointment? Call us at (609) 654-4299 or go online and fill out a contact form.

Posted In: Chiropractic Chronic Pain Prevention Pinched Nerves